Category Safety

Fire Safety Threats

Fire Safety Threats Most fires are preventable. Those responsible for workplaces and other buildings to which the public have access can avoid them by taking responsibility for and adopting the right behaviours and procedures. Fires need three things to start…

Home Invasion – are you PREPARED?

Home invasions happen every 18 seconds in the United States and 30% of burglars enter through an unlocked door or window.  Most criminals can burglarize a home in less than 10 minutes and most happen between 10am and 3pm.  There…

Why Install A Home Security System?

Installing a home security system may be costly, but not installing one could cost even more. Protect Your Home and Family from Intruders The biggest reason a home owner should consider installing a home security system is that it extends protection to…

10 Safety tips for workers

You work to offer your family a better future, to help the company meets their goals and help clients get a quality service. Lot of people depends on you, therefor staying healthy and safe at work is important. No matter…

How to use a fire extinguisher

fire extinguisher curacao brandblusser

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How to react to a fire?

Planning escape routes, discussing what to do in case of a fire ahead of time will save precious seconds should the real thing ever occur. Going through what-if scenarios will not only help save time in case of fire, but will…